Visible Learners at QAS
Teach me and I’ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand.
Xun Kuang
Our Visible Learning journey began late in 2017 when we entered into a three year program to make learning visible in all teaching spaces across our school. Our aim is to improve learning outcomes for all students and the first stage was to ensure that Learning Design (teacher planning and delivery) became a learning reality where students are encouraged to be more involved with their learning, understand what they are learning and the purpose of their learning. Quorn Area School has adopted the established ‘characters’ of WALT, WILF and TIB, as well as the promising newcomer WAGOLL, to assist them with this quest. From January 2018 the four ‘characters’ will be displayed to the right of the primary display in the classroom to encourage students to actively engage with learning.
Access the following link to view the Quorn Area School Visible Learners document.
Below is the QAS Site Improvement Plan, which clearly highlights learners at the centre of everything we do and we aim for it to be a visible reminder of our purpose as educators at Quorn Area School.
Stokes Road
Quorn SA 5433
Phone: 08 8648 6101